Our Subsidiaries

Our Offerings

Delivering Excellence Across Multiple Sectors

At UL Group, we are committed to offering premium services across key industries, including education, hospitality, interior design, and space creation. Each of our subsidiaries is focused on providing solutions that drive innovation, enhance customer experiences, and meet the ever-evolving demands of our clientele.


Our education subsidiaries, including The Aretean, Kid City, and East High Academy, are dedicated to nurturing young minds through innovative teaching methods and a comprehensive curriculum. From early childhood learning to advanced leadership training, we provide an academic environment where students thrive, preparing them for a successful future in a globalized world.


Our hospitality brands, Willow Wood Hotel and Westbrook Hotels, are known for offering world-class accommodations and exceptional customer service. Whether for leisure or business, we provide guests with an unparalleled experience of luxury, comfort, and sophistication, supported by cutting-edge amenities and personalized services.

Interior Design & Construction

Our interior design and construction arm, Walshblanc, is dedicated to creating stunning, functional spaces for homes, offices, and commercial properties. With a focus on aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability, we deliver comprehensive interior solutions that transform spaces into masterpieces.

Space Creation

Our space creation subsidiary, Tropic Galleria, offers unique retail and commercial experiences. We design and manage state-of-the-art shopping malls and entertainment spaces that bring together the best in local and international brands. From modern architecture to exceptional tenant management, we set new standards in space creation.


Through Reach Media, UL Group is transforming the media landscape in Nigeria. We offer a wide range of multimedia services, including broadcasting, digital media solutions, and content creation. Our media subsidiary provides an engaging and dynamic platform that connects brands with audiences, using cutting-edge technology and innovative approaches to storytelling.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)